Trapped Records
Vendor Migration
It's no surprise that Vendors make it easy to ingest records, but how easy is it to move them out?
Records Witness can enable record migrations between vendor solutions, and apply the balance of remaining retention, escaping lock-in.
Legacy applications that can't be switched off?
Records Witness can ensure records remain unchanged in their new home, even if the underlying technology is radically different.
Journey to the Cloud?
Records Witness can span on-premise and cloud, demonstrating no loss of records, giving full assurance - and audit - that the journey is a success.
Exponential Storage Growth
Existing Footprint
Witness brings clarity on existing storage across the estate with a statistical records view , enabling insightful decisions on optimising spend on legally necessary vs optional storage use.
Geographical / Divisional / Team
Quantity and Size of Records
History of Growth, and effects of Disposal
Future Footprint
Our bolt-on Retention Manager enables prediction of future needs. Gain insight to plan for tomorrow, renegotiate licensing needs, and ensure organisational readiness.
Extrapolation of current growth
Required occupancy of existing records until expiry
Predicted occupancy of future records, including their retention
Effects of disposal vs over-retention