Organisations are faced with increasing volumes of federal laws, industry standards, and jurisdictional regulations.
Failure to adhere, or worse, uncertainty in adherence leads to legal, reputational, and organisational risk.
Demonstrate commitment by implementing Records Witness
Like a house of cards, stability at the top relies on confidence on the ground.
Records Witness is the only solution that demonstrates full transparency between lines:
Internal Audit
Policy Makers
Frequent technology change impacts how we store and retrieve records, making it challenging to maintain consistent practices.
Records Witness is agnostic and supports anything holding records
Migration of records is fully auditable, before and after
Tracking and managing records, especially across multiple locations, can be difficult.
Records Witness is an enterprise-wide solution that can organise records by division
One enterprise-wide view vs many different isolated silo solutions
Complex and evolving data models make pinning down the complete record a challenge.
Records Witness tracks records, not data
Records remain where they make sense
It's no surprise, vendors make it difficult to leave.
Records Witness is an agnostic, cross-product solution
Assurances with decommissions
Confirms pre and post migrations
As records have become more complex, 'copying' to archives has become a significant challenge.
Records Witness leaves records where they make sense
It's said data is exponential, so an effective records disposal solution has a tangible Return on Investment.
Records Witness can implement disposals, manually or programmatically